Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Gene Rift by J. Andersen

Hi, everybody!

Not dead, just incredibly busy with life, school, blah blah blah. Done making the usual excuses. I do enjoy writing about books, but this is a side project, and when I'm consumed with big picture things, I can't dedicate as much time to it.


I am resurfacing to talk to you about The Gene Rift by J. Andersen, in case you were wondering. I'm sure the title didn't give it away.

And you may be thinking, "J. Andersen, J. Andersen...that sounds oddly familiar."

That's because I did a post about the first book in her Destiny by Design trilogy, The Breeding Tree. You can check that out in the archives of the blog, or you can get the Kindle book FREE for a limited time to catch up on what you missed! Check it out here: The Breeding Tree

The Gene Rift is a continuation of the story in The Breeding Tree, picking up where the cliffhanger ending dropped you. Katherine Dennard has successfully escaped the Institute with her infant son, but she had to leave her boyfriend Micah behind. Sure the Institute is putting him through all kinds of unspeakable torture because he aided in her flight, Kate is desperate to get Micah back.

Cue Saul.

Saul shows up at the first available opportunity, as he's been biding his time and waiting for Kate to emerge from the Hidden City. He has a deal for Kate. He'll give her Micah back, but she has to give him her son. Which just so happens to be his son as well, because he is the father.

*Record scratch*

I'm sorry, what? The bad guy is the protagonist's test tube baby daddy?



There's plot twist number one. The plot twists so many more times, in such great ways. The Destiny by Design series has pretty clear Dystopian/Sci-fi influences, but it stands on its own. It's a good, clean (if you're looking for that kind of thing) YA Dystopian read for a rainy day.

Or, I mean, a regular day, too. Really any day.

J. Andersen is a dear friend of mine (I do not show favoritism; I fully acknowledge her books aren't perfect. Sorry, J XD), so please go check out her entire series. The Breeding Tree is free for a limited time, so jump on it! That's a great book for zero dollars. And if you love it, you can keep on going. The last book in the trilogy, Legacy's Impact, will be out early next year.

Overall, I give The Gene Rift a strong 4/5 stars.