Saturday, April 30, 2016

Something's Missing...

Recently, Best Friend #1 and I finished reading My Faire Lady by Laura Wettersten.

And can I just say, it's a great time. It's well-written, there is great character development, it's funny and fun, and it's set in a RENAISSANCE FAIRE. What more could you possibly ask for? 

So when BF #1 and I were done with it, satisfied and emotionally fulfilled, she wanted to go on a Ren Faire reading kick. But, as she pointed out: "There are no other books like it!"

All I could think when she told me that was, I'm sure there are. You just gotta dig real deep. 


There really aren't any books set at a Ren Faire. If there are, I couldn't find them.

That is totally baffling to me. Who wouldn't want to go to the Ren Faire?? You get to dress up in fun, beautiful clothes; buy awesome, hand-crafted, artisan stuff from cool little shops and stands; eat loads of great food; watch people shoot arrows and knock each other off horses. WHAT PART OF THIS DOESN'T SOUND AMAZING? HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER SEEN A Knight's Tale? IT'S PRETTY MUCH JUST LIKE THAT.

If you've never been to a Renaissance Faire, I really encourage you to go. They're great fun, and almost always family friendly. 

Now, writers: I have an assignment for you. Please, please, write more books set at a Renaissance Faire. It is such a fun, historic, educational atmosphere. Not to mention, often downright whimsical and magical. I want it. BF #1 wants it. The world wants it - they just don't know it yet. 

Utilize the power of the Ren Faire! Do as Rowena does in My Faire Lady, and drink "Ye Olde Koolaid." I genuinely look forward to reading what comes of it.

And if you do know of a book set in a Renaissance Faire that you'd like me to review, let me know! I'd love to find more (and would be happy to review them)!